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Re: Sporting vs Nav

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 9:11 pm
by Navarone_Guy
Tomahawks are NOT crap. I don't know what you guys are talking about, but I've had little trouble using them to great effect and a lot of trouble killing them. They may have 4 less ranged attack, but they have a plethora of cards and 180 hp (provided you're not a jackass and get your warchief killed).

Re: Sporting vs Nav

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 9:19 pm
by I__CHAOS__I
4 ranged attack is a lot, they need lots of cards to get the attack of a musk
xbows actually do good vs tommies

the slow animation makes em painful to use well

Re: Sporting vs Nav

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 1:35 am
by KingKaramazov
Animation is the main reason they aren't as good as musks.

Re: Sporting vs Nav

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2008 1:56 am
by Sporting_Lisbon
Even if the Toma Rush doesn't take out Germany, just refer to one of the recs you posted, Lisbon, where you beat a very solid German player with Iro FF.
Hey hey I outmicroed that guy ¬¬ And he didn't play that well, he was expecting rush.
Tomahawks are NOT crap. I don't know what you guys are talking about, but I've had little trouble using them to great effect and a lot of trouble killing them. They may have 4 less ranged attack, but they have a plethora of cards and 180 hp (provided you're not a jackass and get your warchief killed).
Tomahawks are not crap, the wc was very good. And protecting your warchief may sound easy, but if you lose it, and I guarantee you'll lose it, you're screwed (in 1.00).