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Re: Did I resign to early...?

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 8:31 pm
by Blackadderthe4th
[quote=""luukje""]Maybe we will let you keep the union jack.
But only if there is a european and belgian flag next to it.
And it should be the smallest of the three.

But that driving on the wrong side of the road should end, good point lazy.

I am writing president Herman about it right now.

Anybody else has any typical brittish things you want to get rid of?[/quote]

Which is why there is resistance to commit to the Euro. We like being British and don't won't a bunch of European politicians telling us how to run our country. We don't even like our own politicians. Remember it's the Union flag that adorns other countries flags, not the European or Belgian flag. I think being a part of Europe is great, but I don't think anyone wants to be taken over by a European superstate.

And maybe watching Clarkson and the boys from Top Gear fly spitfires to enter a competition against their German rivals has inspired me, but I feel like pointing out that Britain has stood against the continent before and we did alright. You won't ever get rid of our Britishness.

Re: Did I resign to early...?

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 1:20 am
by LaZy
And Lazy 25% of the world drive on the left not just us. The cost of implementing driving on the right far exceeds the benefit of preventing a few dimwitted foreigners from being run over when failing to look where they are going while crossing the road. ;)[/quote]

And of those 25% how many do it wrong in Eurpoe?

Im just mentioning this bcos the rest of Europe likes the brit spending his Pound Sterling abroad and we wouldnt want him 2 have 2 endure foreign private health care. And its not the the LHD vs RHD diference which makes the "...dimwitted foreigners failing 2 look where they are going...", its the excessive binge drinking that causes them 2 fail 2 look properley that gives them confidence 2 shift with their right hands.


Re: Did I resign to early...?

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 1:49 am
by 36drew
Just read this thread now, and Lazy's post in the first page pretty much sums it up. I guess each person is a bit different though, since I do somewhat value 1v1 competitive games. I guess it's a bit different at a certain level though, since of my last 300 games, I don't think i've been droptricked once or flamed at all.

People usually just say GG, with maybe some small chat and the game is over. I like 1v1 since it's you and only you.

Re: Did I resign to early...?

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 3:25 am
by Blackadderthe4th
And Lazy 25% of the world drive on the left not just us. The cost of implementing driving on the right far exceeds the benefit of preventing a few dimwitted foreigners from being run over when failing to look where they are going while crossing the road. ;)[/quote]

And of those 25% how many do it wrong in Eurpoe?

Im just mentioning this bcos the rest of Europe likes the brit spending his Pound Sterling abroad and we wouldnt want him 2 have 2 endure foreign private health care. And its not the the LHD vs RHD diference which makes the "...dimwitted foreigners failing 2 look where they are going...", its the excessive binge drinking that causes them 2 fail 2 look properley that gives them confidence 2 shift with their right hands.


Wow. I really don't get why everyone makes such a big deal out of this. So what we don't do what everyone else does? Big deal. Its not like we did it on purpose, its just the way things happened. You drive on one side, we drive on the other. The reasons for which go back century's and are unique to each countries own history. There is no right way or wrong way and changing now would just be a lot of hassle to satisfy some people's weird obsessions with conformity.

Also don't drink and drive. It's wrong.

Re: Did I resign to early...?

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 6:20 am
by Aaryn_GenD
yep drew.

i had 2 1v1 games in the last days where i thought, "you lost man just resign and save the struggle", but i kept fighting on and even won in the end.

there's actually notihng wrong with playing for a couple of minutes more, you can judge the situation better than also :)