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Re: What Do You Think of Ottos Now?

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 5:07 am
by I__CHAOS__I
[quote=""jonesk""]What do you guys think of the TP/silk road option. Is it dead and buried now? I am thinking with a 400 wood start this could still be viable, with the trade route income paying for the mosque techs, making an even stronger boom!

Also, what do you think of 4 mams now? Is it still a must have card, or are there others (I'm looking at 6 stradiots in particular) which you would consider replacing it with?[/quote]

TP's are still very useful, take em when u can (goes for most civs)
Silk road is not worth a shipment imo

I've removed the 4 mams from most decks, however it's still a decent card, I just don't like paying 1k coin as otto

Re: What Do You Think of Ottos Now?

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 1:18 pm
by ruminator
[quote=""jonesk""]What do you guys think of the TP/silk road option. Is it dead and buried now? I am thinking with a 400 wood start this could still be viable, with the trade route income paying for the mosque techs, making an even stronger boom!

Also, what do you think of 4 mams now? Is it still a must have card, or are there others (I'm looking at 6 stradiots in particular) which you would consider replacing it with?[/quote]

I think that silk road has a place on maps such as Great Lakes, but you really need two defensible TPs to make it even close to worthwhile. I think that the key to Otto is wood, wood, wood ...

Gather 400 wood, take 400 wood poli, send 700 wood as first card. You need TP, market, mosque, houses, barracks and stable pretty early on and this is before upgrades in mosque and market that require wood. Unlike Brits, say, you can't then use the wood to spam settlers and military, so you don't want to use cards to upgrade wood gathering early on.

I agree that 4 marms is not a card worth keeping now, I'd rather have spahi or veteran hussar. Spahi are still good though, despite the longer delivery time, and food collects faster than gold in most instances.

Best card for Otto is still 1000 wood in fortress - get those t/cs kicking out free settlers ASAP for the win ...

Re: What Do You Think of Ottos Now?

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 2:12 pm
by deadhanddan
spahi is definitely still a damn good card to use , even with the base stats readjusted and longer delivery times . ship cav combat and the hp tech at arsenal and their back to 1k hp or near age 3 cav u can get other then mahout but spahi r so much better in many fields - as to mameluke card it's funny u mention them , i have yet to see and even ship myself the mams, food is alot easier to use up then precious gold , even with land grab nobody likes hopping to plantations sooner then necessary

Re: What Do You Think of Ottos Now?

Posted: Mon Apr 06, 2009 6:33 pm
by Kaiser_von_Nuben
So is the consensus that it does not make sense to buy the faster vil training upgrade? Last patch I got it right away because it was so cheap. Now it's what, 450 or 600 resources? That is just not feasible early game with otto, who never have much extra wood (or any other resource) on hand if they are spamming their units (all coin/food). I had a 35-minute game the other day and I just wound up buying the maximum vil upgrades long before the faster vil training upgrade. Galata Tower district (25 to 49 max) only costs 200 coin. That's a bargain, even in mid-colonial.

I got a snicker when I mentioned to joe4 that I built a market on a non-TP map with the extra wood, then bought hunting dogs. I actually think that's a good idea if you're going to be massing jans, which are super food-heavy. I know from my British experience that musket spams benefit tremendously from market hunting upgrades.

Re: What Do You Think of Ottos Now?

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 2:04 pm
by jonesk
The thing is with Brits is that they have a much larger vill count than Ottos, so as Ottos you may have about half the number of vills, making the market upgrades less effective.

As for the mosque upgrades, so far I get at least the first one straight after aging. One problem I am finding is I pour all these resources into the mosque techs, and then I get to the 25 cap too quickly, and don't have the 200 coin to raise it again. However this is more to do with my nooby macro skills. In any case, I would still rate the mosque techs over market ups in the early game.

Re: What Do You Think of Ottos Now?

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 7:01 pm
by I__CHAOS__I
Strokey should tell his BO, i've seen him doing well with ottos

Re: What Do You Think of Ottos Now?

Posted: Tue Apr 07, 2009 7:55 pm
by LaZy
Im surprisd Jim hasnt commented in this thread yet


Re: What Do You Think of Ottos Now?

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 9:57 pm
by frenchfantom
Dunno if you guys have ever seen voodoo's strat on heavengames here's the link: ... 36619&st=9

but this guy does a really good job of explaining the abus rush. imo, ottomans are one of the civs where you can't win without microing extremely well. Im a PR20-22 on nilla and TAD but my ottos beat captains without a problem, with only germans standing in the way because of uhlan raids (not a problem for killing abus if you position your barracks and artillery foundry, i usually do B G A with B representing barracks, G gold mine, and A artillery foundry. put a little space in between each so that their units are trapped and can only go 1 by 1 or 2by2 - yes, just like the movie 300.)

so if u can micro correctly, abus are still OP, and jans great meatshield.

Still trying to figure out a spahi rush, which IS still very powerful agaisnt a gressive civs such as russia and aztecs, and very hard to beat with mams as tanks.

Re: What Do You Think of Ottos Now?

Posted: Sat Nov 14, 2009 10:37 pm
by Aaryn_GenD
ye we all know that, which patch are you talking about?
dunno if it is all that good that you revived this dead thread :roll: