Age of Empires problem with Vista / Windows 7

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Age of Empires problem with Vista / Windows 7

Post by DutchNvG »

I have recently had (I still have) the problem that my computer turned into "Sleep" while playing a game of Age of Empires. It happened multiple times (even after rebooting my computer). About 20 minutes after I started a game of Age of Empires my computer turned into "Sleep". I tried to switch the option of "Sleep" from "after 20 minutes" to "never". Unfortunately, this didn't work. I then tried to switch the option to the longest time available after "never". This did, for now on, work. I have to play a couple of games more to be sure this solvs the problem. I will edit this post as soon as I am sure about this.

Strange fact: this only happens with Age of Empires (probably because Age of Empires won't work at the same time with "Protection Stub"). I have never had this problem before with Age of Empires, it started yesterday.

Edit: with the same settings like written above it happened again. This time just after 11 minutes. The only thing where I can think of what might have "saved" me from happening before was the fact that I had Windows Media Player running aswell. If anyone of you have got a solution for this irritating problem, I'd love to hear it!

Edit: I played a game again, this time running together with Windows Media Player. After 21 minutes my computer returned to "Sleep" again. At this point, I have no idea what the solution is for this problem. I checked whether my computer was too hot or so, but I'm sure that isn't the problem. I hope anyone of you know how to fix it. Thanks in advance!
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Re: Age of Empires problem with Vista / Windows 7

Post by Comadevil »

Any entries in Windows Log?
U use vaccum cleaner on cpu and graphics card cooler jsut to be sure a component isn't overheating
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Re: Age of Empires problem with Vista / Windows 7

Post by DutchNvG »

Edit: I think I (actually Coma :-P ) solved the problem. I played a game again today, right after I woke up, and this time my computer was less hot (the temperature difference may have indeed caused the problem yesterday). I made it up to 40 minutes when I stopped the game. 1 Other thing what may have played a role in not going to "Sleep" again aswell, was the fact that I installed 2 new updates for Windows 7 yesterday evening (after constantly trying to see if AOE was working). Though I'm not sure whether this has any influence to this kind of problem...

Thanks Coma for your help! :D
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Re: Age of Empires problem with Vista / Windows 7

Post by joe4holly »

Have you turned off user account control ? I never had a problem with AOE on widnows 7 as the first thing I do is turn off user account control when I intall windows.
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Re: Age of Empires problem with Vista / Windows 7

Post by DutchNvG »

No I think I haven't, can I still do that right now?
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Re: Age of Empires problem with Vista / Windows 7

Post by Comadevil »

Well UAC isn't really the problem here and definitely it isn't a problem for AOE3.
Also i wouldn't really recommend to turn it off
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